Andover Road Closure

Andover Road Closure

The Keep Andover Road Open petition has collected over 3,200 signatures which certainly shows the strength of feeling in the community and is one of only 3 with that number of supporters in the last 5 yrs presented to Hampshire County Council.

Click HERE to see the latest update below !

The Position

On the 2nd October 2012 the Secretary of State granted permission for the Kings Barton development under application (09/02412/OUT) after Hampshire County Council (HCC) and CALA Homes issued a joint statement of common ground which included the closure of Andover Road to traffic and permanent diversion of that traffic through the new Kings Barton development.

Our Concerns

No account was taken in 2012 of the likely views of Kings Barton residents or any other Winchester residents to this closure.

The original decision to close Andover Road to traffic was against urban and transport planning best practice. There is no example anywhere in the UK of a significant main urban radial route (such as Andover Road) being closed and its traffic being diverted through the centre of a major new housing development (like Kings Barton).

There will eventually be 2000 dwellings with some 4500 people living in the Kings Barton housing development.

Implications of closing Andover Road:

  • With expected future developments further north on Andover Road, there could be some 20,000 vehicles/day travelling along Winchester Avenue, the main road through the centre of the development


  • There is a strong likelihood of an increase in road traffic casualties by taking traffic off Andover Road and diverting it along Winchester Avenue. This is because Andover Road is a main route, with limited housing only on one side of the road and well set back from the road, whilst Winchester Avenue has extensive housing on both sides of the road and also a shopping centre and school


  • Traffic diverted through the centre of the development will create a social barrier between residents on the opposite sides of Winchester Avenue


  • This diverted traffic will discourage pedestrian and cyclist movement across and along Winchester Avenue including to the development’s shopping centre and school


  • There will be excessive noise and air pollution for residents living on Winchester Avenue with air pollution probably exceeding World Health Organisation (WHO) standards


  • Winchester Avenue will be open for through traffic to stop in the shopping centre. But the diversion of all traffic from Andover Road to Winchester Avenue is contrary to the Kings Barton Residents’ Association desire, expressed to the local authorities, that Kings Barton becomes 20mph speed-limited throughout the development.  This desire is in line with Government recommendations for encouraging pedestrian and cyclist movement


  • Residents in Weeke and Harestock are concerned that closing Andover Road to traffic will encourage more traffic to take routes through Weeke and Harestock and on Stockbridge Road to reach the City Centre


  • There is no need to close Andover Road to improve pedestrian and cyclist movement along it; there is space between the Road and the Kings Barton housing to provide a pedestrian and cyclist way in line with the approved design

An initial survey of over 300 adults living in Kings Barton showed that 96% want Andover Road kept open for traffic, which led to KBRA raising a petition to request that:

"We ask Hampshire County Council and CALA Homes to reconsider the current planning permission and instead keep Andover Road open for vehicular traffic.”

This petition gained the support from over 3,000 people, the majority of whom were Winchester residents and was presented to Hampshire County Council on 14th July 2022.

Options for Andover Road and Winchester Avenue

With the planned development of the Sir John Moore Barracks site and with other potential development sites north of Kings Barton, there will inevitably be an increase of traffic in the coming years.  Permanent and irreversible closure of Andover Road would be both short sighted and an unnecessary expense for all of us, which reality would show in a few years’ time.


Your Kings Barton Residents’ Association Committee (KBRA) position, stated to Councillors on your behalf, is to:


  • Require Winchester Avenue to be designed in accordance with the Department of Transport 'Manual for Streets', being the appropriate design manual for roads in residential areas

  • Require all of Kings Barton to be designated a 20mph Area

  • Require the junction of Winchester Avenue with Andover Road, Harestock Road and Winchester Avenue to be designed so that traffic on Andover Road can be maintained

  • Request that the planned closure of Andover Road to traffic be for a short trial period after which an assessment of the need to close Andover Road would be reconsidered, bearing in mind the observed negative consequences for Kings Barton residents, the intended redevelopment of Sir John Moore Barracks and the intended re-opening of Andover Road for park-and-ride bus services

  • Request that this trial period occurs after M3 J9 rebuilding works are complete to avoid A34 traffic using Winchester Avenue when the junction and its link with the A34 are closed during construction


What can you do to help?


Clearly the planned closure of Andover Road for through traffic is still a major concern for you as residents of Kings Barton. Bearing in mind both your views and the fact that over 3,000 local Winchester residents shared that view in our 2022 Petition, we simply cannot stop campaigning for a compromise to be reached based on keeping Andover Road open to traffic. This compromise must take into account the needs of the wider North Winchester community in terms of reducing traffic and promoting walking and cycling and bus movements as planned in the Winchester Movement Strategy.


If you would like to join the KBRA Committee to press for action on this or other key community topics such as the road conditions and lack of practical bus services, that you’ve said are important to you then please do get in touch by emailing us] at  We also organise community social events and would be very grateful for your help at any time with these without any commitment!


Lastly as we have said, we are not a political organisation and have no party affiliations.  However, with the upcoming elections in May '23 we understand that our candidates for local Councillors are ‘out and about’ in Kings Barton actively seeking your support. Please do offer your views either face to face if you have the chance or directly to them via email and ask what tangible actions they are taking to prompt discussion and compromise on the planned Andover Road closure.

We will update you here and via articles in the Hampshire Chronicle.

Thank you

KBRA Committee

Updates (Latest First)

  • 21st December 2023 Hampshire Chronicle Article

    Hampshire Chronicle article outlining the response from the Secretary of State

  • 24th November 2023 Response from the Secretary of State

    This letter confirms that any decision to change the decision on Andover Road is a local one.   Read the response here

  • September 15th '23 - Letter to the Secretary of State

    As part of our campaign to raise awareness of the issues surrounding the closure of Andover Road we have written to  the Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities of the United Kingdom.  In this letter we request that he reviews and reconsiders the decision to close the road.  

    Letter to Michael Gove MP

  • 9th March '23 - Hampshire County Council "Decision Day"

    On 9th March Cllr Humby the Leader of Hampshire County Council (HCC) held a ‘Decision day’, which included their decision on the future of Andover Road.  


    You can watch the recording of the meeting here (from 17 min 40) and the associated report with its recommendation from which the quotes in this email are taken is here.

    KBRA were not permitted to address the meeting and our report re-stating our concerns was not circulated to councillors. 


    The decision made by Cllr Humby and the HCC executive was to continue to work with CALA to design Winchester Avenue on the basis that Andover Road would CLOSE.


    Obviously, this is hugely disappointing, but not unexpected, given the County Council’s position that as Highways Authority they do not have the power to undo the original planning consent and direct CALA to keep the road open.  Therefore, it is clear that without any further discussion and common sense intervention, CALA will now finalise the technical design of Winchester Avenue and the junctions at Well House Lane and Stoney Lane with HCC on the basis of closing Andover Road to ALL TRAFFIC.


    From the report:  “17.  [CALA] The developer is obliged to deliver the new development spine road, termed Winchester Avenue, and associated junction changes prior to the occupation of 650 housing units in the development. Based on the developer’s estimates the highway changes are likely to be delivered around mid-2025.”


    In order to complete by mid-2025 the designs will need to be approved in the next few months and work started shortly after that.

    The only comfort we can take from the report was the statement… “20. As the County Council has done through the development of the [Winchester Movement Strategy] WMS, it will be appropriate for the County Council to continue to engage with all parties including the developer and Local Planning Authority to satisfy themselves that the closure of Andover Road to vehicular traffic as set out in the planning application is necessary.” 

    However, it is not at all clear what actions HCC will be taking to do that.

    From the report: “31. The technical work has shown the level of traffic flow anticipated to pass through the development would be around 10,000 vehicles. Many Hampshire streets of a similar type carry similar levels of traffic, so it is not unusual.  However, in a place-making context such traffic flows are not compatible with the ambitious vision originally set out by the developer for a 'shared space' (where there is little or no delineation or level difference between areas for vehicles and people) environment.” 

    We have asked for and are still awaiting receiving a copy of the report containing this technical work. Our own assessment shows that the traffic on Winchester Avenue, including traffic generated by the Kings Barton Major Development Area (MDA) and the planned Sir John Moore development, could be as high as 20,000 vehicles per day. 

    So as suggested by the report and with the existing approved design, those 20,000 vehicles would be routed through the heart of Kings Barton.

    This is a greater flow of traffic than any single-carriageway road (like Winchester Avenue) is capable of carrying and therefore contrary to HCCs suggestion that “Many Hampshire streets of a similar type carry similar levels of traffic, so it is not unusual.”, we consider that the actual traffic flow is likely to be very unusual.

    Finally, although the report states that “concerns about noise, air quality, severance and safety implications from traffic passing through the Barton Farm development were given due regard,” it is only given a cursory mention in the report.  

    Bus priority routes

    There have been suggestions both in the HCC Decision day report and in the Kings Barton News leaflet that may have been posted through your letterbox that Andover Road could be kept open for priority bus services associated with a planned Park-and-Ride service to the City Centre at the Sir John Moore Barracks site.  However, that is not possible with the approved junction design for Andover Road / Winchester Avenue and any change would require a new planning application to be submitted. 


    From the report HCC also concedes that: “13. Introducing a bus priority corridor on Andover Road would be subject to engagement, technical assessment and a business case.”, but at present there is no sponsor or funding identified for any Bus priority measures along Andover Road and introducing this would be more difficult and costly should Andover Road be permanently closed to ALL traffic as planned.

    KBRA is strongly pressing HCC to provide practical bus services to Kings Barton as previously agreed in the KB Travel Plan.  More on this topic in another KBRA update. 

    KBRA's Position

    We cannot agree with the view that HCC’s Decision gives certainty to CALA and Hampshire County Council Highways Department on the issues of road surfaces, kerbs, junctions and crossings. These issues had remained unresolved by CALA and HCC for many years before KBRA highlighted the need to keep Andover Road open to traffic and for Winchester Avenue to be designed in accordance with ‘Manual for Streets’.

    Over the last few weeks we have been pressing hard at the Kings Barton Forum and directly with WCC, HCC and CALA for all parties to come together to review the situation, but sadly, that still hasn’t happened despite us presenting your common concerns and frustration at the closure. 

    We plan to continue pressing hard on your behalf.

  • 20th Nov '22 - Summary Position

    KBRA met with Cllr Heron (Exec Lead for Transport and Environment) on 27th September in Kings Barton where we discussed the approved planning consent and closure of Andover Road.  Mirroring his comments in the petition response (below) Cllr Heron agreed to arrange a meeting between Hampshire County Council (HCC), Winchester City Council (WCC) and CALA to review our concerns, however no such meeting has taken place, which is hugely disappointing.

    In the absence of any progress Mike Slinn spoke at the Kings Barton forum on 13th October in order to clarify the mechanism to prompt such a meeting and it was agreed that HCC must take the lead role, during the discussion Cllr Todd (Leader of WCC and member of HCC) committed that WCC “would do whatever it takes to resolve the impasse and make sure that we have properly thought through options” [for Andover Road, Winchester Avenue and surrounding roads].

    The Kings Barton Forum website is here and you can watch the 13th October recording here.

    Next Steps:

    In line with the KB Forum direction we have followed up with a formal letter to Cllr Ed Heron suggesting that the current approved design should be modified to keep Andover Road as the main (direct) route, but that it should be significantly improved, keeping the intended addition of formal cycle ways and improved footpaths.  At the same time, the issue of safety (addressed in part by the installation of the Puffin crossing close to the access for Henry Beaufort School) should be bolstered by further crossing points and a general reduction in speed limits. We are awaiting a response to this and we will also put the same suggestions to both WCC and CALA ahead of the requested meeting.

    You can read our letter or 8th November to Cllr Ed Heron here:

    We are advised that in order to modify the current proposal, a new planning application would need to be submitted by CALA under Section 73 of the planning act and are working with WCC Community and Development officer Naomi Arnold to understand the implications of this more fully.  We have yet to meet formally with CALA, but understand their position is that submitting a new application would require them to comply with legislation introduced since 2013 on control of phosphate and nitrates, increasing their costs.

    We continue to believe that a compromise can be reached whereby we can be assured that our community will grow safely and healthily, whilst maintaining good direct access to Winchester and we do not believe that the approved proposal, in its current form, achieves that goal and will continue to push HCC to bring parties together.

  • 17th Oct '22 - Littleton & Harestock PC support

    You can read the LHPC letter  to Cllr Edward Heron in which  they declare their support for the KBRA petition and which states their desire  to keep the Andover Road open here.

  • 29th Sept '22 - Letter to Cllr Martin Tod

    KBRA wrote to Cllr Martin Tod to confirm our request and outline our proposal for a compromise option. 

    You can read the letter here

  • 17th Aug '22 - Petition response from Hampshire County Council

    Cllr Ed Heron 

17th July 2022

Hampshire County Council presentation

Firstly thank you all for the amazing support that have received during the petition collection, both online with constructive and helpful comments in and face to face when 'taking it to the streets' at Waitrose and the High Street.  It was great to talk to so many of you and understand the views (from both sides at times) on the impact of closing Andover Road.

The petition has now been presented to Hampshire County Council (HCC) at the full council meeting on 14th July by our Vice Chair Mike Slinn.

Click to read the report
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